
Sunday, February 7, 2010

A note about the lack of projects posted so far

I'd really like to be posting a lot more projects, but with the upcoming move that's just not going to happen.

1. I'm trying really hard to spend as little money as possible. And I do mean as little as possible. It helps that I have to make arrangements with my FIL in order to run errands. I don't want to take advantage of him, so I'm only borrowing his car once a week. Limited funds also makes it easier to keep the expenditures low. So no new materials to work with.

2. I want to start getting things packed up. 96% of our stuff is in storage already, so I know I have stuff I could be using for projects, but I don't know where that stuff is. I also need to start packing the stuff that's in the house, and that includes my craft paraphenelia.

3. I'm so trunky. On my mission that term was applied to missionaries who were (hopefully, but unfortunately not always) close to the end of their time and were thinking more and more about home, school, etc. That's me. I'm thinking more and more about the house we're going to rent, the preschool I need to find, the stores I need to locate, the parks to explore, the house I get to furnish (Have I mentioned we have very little actual furniture? That'll be another post all together), the list could go on and on. It's hard to focus on the here and now when there's so many other things to think about. And there's only so much room in my brain :)

Once we move and I get everything unpacked, I'll have lots of projects and pictures to share, but in the meantime we're stuck with a couple old projects from my other blog, a couple quick projects that I have the stuff for and want to finish before the move, and me blathering on a bit. Stick with me and it'll get more exciting!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you have a 'frugal' blog! We just started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. It's great so far.
